“Fake it ’til you make it!”, said my manager to me at my first desk job after college, as he left for two a two-week vacation during my first month at the office. Fake it ’til you make it I worked at a tiny eye clinic and my job required me to know how to …
Tips for Shopping with a Baby at Costco
Grocery shopping has always been one of my favorite pastimes. I love to cook, I love food, I love sales, I love coupons, I love wandering the aisles and looking for new products; shopping is simply one of my favorite things to do. After the birth of our son, I would leave him at home …
My Favorite Baby Carriers for Mom & Dad!
I knew baby wearing was something I was hoping worked for myself and my son. I had a car seat that didn’t have the infant carrier that popped out, so I planned to wear my son wherever we went. I also wanted the freedom that baby wearing allows. While I have my husband and family …